Monday, December 12, 2011

Some Things I've Been Pin-ing for Lately...

I hope you all had a lovely weekend and that it proved to be more relaxing than mine! I had every intention of posting last week and even attempted to take outfit pictures two days in a row, but the gray, rainy weather here in Atlanta had other plans. Plus, taking outfit photos using a self-timed camera is such an exercise in trial and error! I've since recruited a friend of mine who knows her way around a camera quite well to take outfit photos for me a couple times a week, so those will be coming soon.

In the meantime--and to break the awful silence on this blog--a blog feature which I will be doing once weekly. Did you note the pun in the title? I will feature several images I've come across during the week on Pinterest that have left me lusting after them in one way or another.

Found via Pinterest

Found via Pinterest

Found via Pinterest

Found via Pinterest

It's becoming obvious from the way this post has turned out that I'm not quite over my obsession of black  + gold and have now added leopard + sequins to the mix. How glamourous are they together? What are you pining for these days? Please share!

1 comment:

  1. YES!!! Love the blog!! Please keep that frum style going and teach those fashion ignoramus like myself how to dress!


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